Alcohol Questionnaire 2011: Consumption and attitudes


The aim of the present study was to establish patterns of alcohol consumption and attitudes towards alcohol of Charles Sturt University (CSU) students. A questionnaire methodology was utilised, and participants were recruited for either in-person paper-based participation, or web-based electronic participation. A total of 200 participants aged 18-25 were recruited from various schools from the 5 regional NSW campuses. Participants were most likely to consume alcohol several times a week, as indicated by 29% of the overall sample (with an average of approximately 3 days a week). Males (M = 9.71, SD = 5.40) consumed significantly more in a drinking session than females (M = 6.83, SD = 3.75); t (74.78) = 3.52, p = .001 (two-tailed). 8% of the sample indicated that they abstain from alcohol consumption, roughly half that of the general population of a similar age. A majority of the empirical literature addressing alcohol use within tertiary education settings has utilised student samples from the UK or USA, particularly from metropolitan settings. The findings of the present study, therefore, are a valuable addition to the alcohol use literature, as the sample comprises of participants sourced from regional campuses of an Australian university. The results may be utilised to develop services as well as programs for staff and students relating to the minimisation of alcohol-related harm within the university community.

This research was funded by Access and Counseling, Student Services, Charles Sturt University and was conducted by me during a research placement within the organisation. A copy of the report is available from Access and Counselling, Student Services, Charles Sturt University.