Parent-focused interventions to support the behaviours of children with disability
This resource summarises the evidence about the effectiveness of parent-focused interventions designed to support children with intellectual disability and autistic children who display behaviours of concern. The review aims to support practitioners who work with children with disability and their families, but may not be specialists in providing disability support, to understand what parent-focused interventions include and the characteristics of effective interventions.
This review includes general research evidence on the effectiveness of interventions used to support children with disability who may display behaviours of concern and their families. It does not include information about the requirements of providers working with this cohort under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or specific services funded through the NDIS (e.g. behaviour support plans).
Strawa, C., Joshi, A., Truong, M., MacDonald, J.B., Butler, K. (2024). Parent-focused interventions to support the behaviours of children with disability (Policy and practice paper). Melbourne: Child Family Community Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
- Published: May, 2024
- Type: Evidence synthesis
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